NBN Internet
Start surfing the web or troubleshoot your connection
- Quick start NBN guides
- Fixed Wireless Plus Migration FAQ
- How do I test my internet speed?
- I have a new device - What happens to my contacts?
- Upgrading your home internet plan
- Different factors that can impact your NBN Internet speed
- Do I have to switch to the nbn?
- Is there a way to speed up the internet activation process?
- What is the connection charge/new development fee?
- How many devices can I connect to nbn™ broadband?
- Will my current modem/router work with nbn™ broadband?
- Will my medical alarm, security alarm, EFTPOS machine or fax machine work on the nbn™ network?
- Do I need to pay line rental for my nbn service?
- Do I need a specific router for my nbn connection?
- Will I have to pay a setup fee for my nbn service?
- Can I add a home phone to my nbn service?
- Do I need to be there for the installation of my nbn service?
- How do I know when I can get nbn?
- Understanding your NBN connection type
- I’m renting – can I connect to the nbn?
- NBN Installation Appointment information
- What is network congestion?
- What can I do at home to improve my connection?
- Can’t connect to the internet? How to troubleshoot your nbn service